Caitlin is the best little buddy and such a joy to have around. Everyone is going to miss her while she starts going to school this year! She is such a good helper and is so loving and kind and sees the joy in life. She is spunky, curious, girly, smart and so sincerely sweet.
She has endless energy. She always wants to be doing things and every night she asks me "What's the plan for tomorrow?" and she wants specifics. She will still do "quiet time" during the day and it's nice for everyone to get a little rest. Otherwise she plays hard and is very active. She likes to joke and laugh and be tickled.
She has always been very curious even as a baby and now that she is getting older and learning more things she asks questions and asks "why?" all the time. She is extremely observant and nothing gets past her. She wonders about people and wants to know everything that's going on.
When given the choice between shorts/pants, a dress and a tutu (she has never called them skirts... Only a tutu) she will pick a dress 7 times out of 10, and a tutu the other two times with shorts being last. She LOVES playing dress up, princesses and pink. She also loves coloring and she is VERY good at it. She loves being creative.
She is so smart and is constantly surprising me with things she picks up and things she understands. She is a great conversationalist and has a very active imagination. She loves to make up stories and songs. She is always happy to perform and dance and sing and put on a show. She is also very stubborn.
She is sincerely sweet. She is naturally very nurturing and inclusive. She is not always super outgoing, sometimes you have to work for it but when you do its totally worth it. She is never afraid to tell people she loves them and is always willing to give a kiss or a hug. She truly feels for people and their emotions and she always wants to make people happy.
Caitlin is just our perfect little princess. She is such a light in our home and such a good helper and so obedient and good natured. We are so lucky to have her and we all just adore her!!
Caitlin is just our perfect little princess. She is such a light in our home and such a good helper and so obedient and good natured. We are so lucky to have her and we all just adore her!!
On her actual birthday she got to have a special breakfast date with Daddy to IHOP. When I was helping her get ready she said "Oh! I have to wear my crown today!" and also wanted to have her hair curled so she could "look like a birthday princess." After breakfast we met them at her preschool open house. She got to see her teacher and her classroom and talk about school a little and she got really excited to start. After that she had a special date with mommy to get her nails painted! We snuggled in the pedicure chair together and she got her nails and toes painted hot pink with sparkles. I said "these kinda look like Barbie nails. Which princess do you think would like to have her nails painted like this and she slowly pointed to herself. She really is a little princess. She was so good and liked getting her nails done. After that we went to Provo Beach Resort and met up with Cason and Corinne and played games for awhile then rode the merry-go-round. For lunch we got grilled cheese sandwiches from sonic then came home and played while Nolan was napping. We colored a lot and did blocks. Daddy got home early in the evening and we opened a few presents then had pepperoni pizza for dinner. The McCulloughs stopped by and gave her some more presents and played for a bit. Then we finished up opening presents and then she got to blow out her candles and have some

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