-Symptoms: I have been feeling a lot better since getting into my second trimester. Definite decrease in stomach aches, nausea and headaches, although still there some. My appetite is pretty much back. Still have low energy and feel tired all the time, so I try to sneak in naps whenever I can. Also by about 10 PM I'm ready to hit the hay, whether I was able to nap or not.
-Cravings: Salty things and soda. I LOVE salt and vinegar chips (ok fine any kind of chips) and of course still love my Diet Dr. Pepper but I try to stay away from that as much as I can because of the caffeine so really any carbonated beverage will do. Some days though all I want to eat is chocolate so i'm keeping it balanced.
-Fitness: During the first trimester I gained about 6 pounds. Then during month four I gained 6 more. (yowza!) I've been able to still work out some by going to my Barre class. I love it there and I'm so glad it's a pregnancy friendly workout. This will be my first pregnancy to do any sort of working out at all so I'm excited to see if it makes a big difference. Also, I'm usually not one to force the baby belly but there is no doubt I am showing way earlier with this baby. I hate being in the fat stages during the day but at night I have a full-on baby bump. With my others I never popped out until after 5 months so this seems weird and too soon. I'm stubborn and still hanging on to wearing non-maternity clothes (as long as I can discreetly unbutton my pants). I actually have started incorporating a few maternity shirts (I mean no one wants to look poochy).
-News: Feeling the baby move now! Starting feeling flutters around 16 weeks then progressively more and stronger from there. Feeling my baby move is definitely one of my favorite things during pregnancy.
We got our ultrasound on April 22nd. Since we are deciding to keep the gender a surprise, there was a whole different feeling going into this one. I spent most of my time covering my eyes, and I felt like it was the longest ultrasound ever. I kind of wanted her to just check it out and make sure everything looked goo and get out before I peeked. But very glad that she was thorough. Especially glad that the baby is looking great and I am measuring right on for my due date. The tech did a good job keeping things a secret although one time i thought i heard her slip up and say "he" but then a few minutes later i thought i heard her say "she" so I wasn't able to determine anything. She took a picture and put it in a sealed envelope. They didn't write it down in my chart so that none of the nurses or doctor will slip up either. I knew this would be my biggest temptation and hurdle to get through in our experiment of not finding out so I'm glad we stayed strong, Although I do have to get one more ultrasound in a couple months so I'll have to stick to my guns again.

-Inklings: At first I had no feelings as to the gender, then I started feeling pretty strongly that it is a girl. My sickness index and weight gain would point toward being a girl too, although my cravings point to boy. I also feel like I'm carrying high. Right now I'm kind of mentally preparing for a girl but if it's a boy I will be very pleasantly surprised. Paul (as with both times before) is sure it's a boy.

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