-We visited Daddy at work to trick or treat and have lunch. The kids had fun visiting people and showing off their cute costumes. Caitlin's costume is one she wears often but we added the wings and the necklace and of course the sparkles. I sewed Nolan's shirt and hat and found his awesome tights (now his second Halloween wearing tights but he didn't seem to mind and filled them out nicely).

-The kids loved helping to pass out the candy to everyone who cam by. They loved seeing their costumes and Caitlin would send them off with a "Happy Halloween!" We took them trick or treating around the neighborhood and probably hit about 12 houses but it took us over an hour. The kids took their time at every house and at first they wanted to walk in and wouldn't just stand at the door. They would walk in, mozy around, find the dog, take some candy, make themselves at home. Luckily we went to friends' houses and our neighborhood is so fun... everyone is excited to chat and hang out. Some houses were making scones, had movies projected, everyone was out and about and the weather was actually not freezing. Caitlin was very sweet and polite and did a good job saying "trick or treat" and "thank you." Nolan would say "thank you" and pick out his candy. He went straight for the chocolate bars and kit kats. Jordan and Rebekah went trick or treating with us and my mom and sisters were back at the house handing out all the candy.

-When the kids got cold and tired we headed home and had the traditional chili and cornbread with everyone.

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