We finished out the Texas trip with another week in Austin (post wedding stress). Chris and Christine were so nice to let us stay at their house the whole time and we had a lot of fun with them and their kids. Melissa also stayed longer so all the grandkids were together. 7 grandkids under the age of 3 made for some crazy times! The kids definitely had a ton of fun, and the parents tried to keep up.
We swam, visited the "Amy's cows", went to the park, visited the Austin children's museum, took the older 3 to Despicable Me 2 and to get slurpies, Christine started me on a slight bagel obsession and we also made too many Sonic runs. I got to see my best friend from high school, Brittany. We puddle jumped in the rain, had a picnic dinner and did chalk in the heat. We watched Bachelorette, did some late night hot tubbing and made more visit to our favorite eating places.
Paul came back in town for the weekend and we took the kids boating and Paul took Nolan wakeboarding for the first time! We did it with Caitlin when she was about this age and Nolan loved it just as much. Paul and I got to wakeboard and ski and only added to our desire to get a boat.

We had an uneventful drive back with Paul, which is good when it comes to road trips. The kids were good and we made it from Austin to our house in about 17.5 hours - record time (radar detector came in handy again here). You know you're blessed when you feel as welcome at your in laws as you do in your own home and your sister in laws are some on your best friends ever. It was a great time and I already miss being in Texas.