Wedding week! This is the week Paul joined us in Austin for Rebekah and Jordan's wedding. We had a full line up of events all week, culminating in their beautiful wedding and including lots of family and extended family and new McCullough family and excitement and love.
We got to go boating and started making the rounds to all of our favorite eating places, including a late night run to the Gourdough's food truck down town.

Wednesday we all did a session at the San Antonio temple with Bekah for her first time. It was fun to be back in the temple where I was married and also went through for my first time. That night we had a bachelorette party with Rebekah.
Thursday was the 4th of July: we had a big family pool party and then set of some fireworks and watched some bigger ones by the house. Nolan actually stayed awake long enough to see fireworks and he really liked them.
Friday evening Jordan's family hosted dinner at Z'Tejas downtown. All the direct siblings were asked to speak and in a stroke of somewhat uncharacteristic creativity the Dickson siblings prepared a "Hoe-Down" song like they do on the show "Whose line is it anyway?" they each had a verse about Rebekah and some of her qualities and put it to music. During the preparation and performance I saw a side of Paul I had never seen before... nervous! The actual delivery of their hoe down had its flaws (won't go into details) but it was definitely creative and cute and a great memory. And comical on many levels. Definitely proves how much we love Rebekah. The parents also spoke and we watched a cute slideshow. Bekah and Jordan are such a cute couple and so meant for each other.

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