Eats: He is still mainly eating baby food but is starting to branch out with finger foods as well. He is very destructive with food when he gets his hands on it, but will usually still eat well from a spoon. He loves sweet potatoes but seems to like fruits more than veggies in general. He loves goldfish crackers and graham crackers.

Sleeps: This has been a rough month for sleeping. He's had an inconsistent napping schedule and has been waking up a lot earlier than normal. Hopefully this will settle down. He did get anther tooth and I guess I will blame it on that.. making 6 total, 4 on top and two on bottom. We tried switching him to the other kind of binky but he wasn't interested and then we noticed he was no longer taking any kind of binky (we were giving him the newborn kind just to sleep) and i would find them thrown out of his crib all over his room so we put away his binkies altogether and although I just said he has been inconsistent in sleeping I actually don't think he has missed his binkies.

Plays: He pulls himself up on everything (!!) and prefers to be standing. He also likes to cruise along things holding on. The other day he walked along the entire perimeter of our bathroom just using the wall. He is not standing on his own or walking holding onto our hands. He is also starting to try to copy things that Caitlin does. He can also finally go from laying down to sitting up on his own. He is also crawling with his tummy off the floor more often. And he can climb stairs! He was by our back stairs to the loft and just started climbing them and went all the way to the top.

Likes: He loves bath time. He likes sitting in the water and playing with the toys and doesn't mind get sprayed off or soaped down one bit. He is obsessed with cords and will find them anywhere and wants to chew on them. He is very rough and tumble and he likes physical contact and wrestling around. He also loves playing Caitlin's room! A lot of times if i can't see him I will find he has sneaked into her room and started playing with her toys. He also loves being outside. He gets excited and flaps his arms when we come outside.

Dislikes: Having things taken away from him. He will whine and yell if you try to take away something he wants (usually it's trash, dirt, or rocks that he is shoveling into his mouth). He also dislikes eating cold things. We've tried bites of ice cream or popsicle and he makes a face like he's eaten a lemon and tries to spit it out.

Also: He started waving! We doesn't respond all the time but when he does it's precious. He still makes a lot of noises too. I also just noticed he is wearing a lot of pajamas in these pictures. Which I will admit is his usual attire because it is just the most comfortable. But when he does wear cloths, he is in size 18 months.

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