Her recital was at Timpview High School in the packed auditorium. Her class performed fifth. At the beginning the studio owned spoke and reminded everyone that "...perfect dancers are boring dancers! We are bound to be truly entertained tonight and we embrace and encourage it all." Our friend was helping backstage and saw Caitlin and she said she kept asking her if t was her turn to do her dance yet. And then she would tell her to smile big for her mommy and she would show her a big grin. They led Caitlin's class out and she found her pink dot to stand on and stood there until the lights came up and music started. She didn't seem nervous or fidgety at all (MY heart was pounding). Their song started and it didn't take long for things to get interesting! There are about 7 girls (all aged 2-3) in Caitlin's class and one of them turned around and took off running to the very back of the stage! Didn't take long for a few little friends to join her and soon enough half of the line was doing the dance and following the teacher and the other alf was running amuck. A few helpers from back stage came to get the girls back in line. It was hilarious! Kids are so unpredictable. Also a little surprising was the fact that Caitlin stayed focused. She kept watching her teacher and didn't fun off. She did her little dance and it was all adorable.
After her song ended I went backstage to get her and found her crying. I thought it was because she couldn't find me so I quickly ran to her and she just turned to me and said "Mommy I really want to go do it again!" It took quite a bit to tell her she would have another turn a different day an she was really sad she couldn't just march back on that stage and do it all again. Another lady working there said she's never seen one cry because they want to go again. Eventually she calmed down and said bye to her teacher Miss Cassie. Caitlin has really loved her. She came out with me to find Daddy and Nolan and Mike and Jenna and Bailey and got some pretty flowers and took pictures. She was happy that we were so proud of her and she said she had so much fun. The whole thing was just too cute and completely melted my heart.
To see the magic for yourself, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEbAgowRZXs