On Friday morning, March 8th at 4:10 AM our best friends had their first baby. Baby Brox Walker Taylor was born! 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 19 in. long.
I just can't wait to meet him. Whitney and Morgan are going to be pro parents.
Friday night Paul took Caitlin and I on a date to Disney on Ice! Nolan got to hang out with Chelsea and Tyler. The show was called "Dare to Dream" and it featured the Frog Princess, Cinderella and Rapunzel (Tangled). It was actually really well done, the skaters were talented and it was creative the way they used the rink and props and of course the songs from the movies were fun. Caitlin was in HEAVEN. She could not have been cuter about it. Cinderella is her absolute favorite right now so she was enthralled with the whole scene. She kept asking if she was going to put on her blue dress, and get waving to her and at one point just yelled "Cinderella!" so loud, she was just so delighted. Intermission was during that scene and the entire 15 minutes she kept asking me if she was coming back and if she was going to wear her blue dress again and if she could say hi to Cinderella. And she told me "when Cinderella comes back i want to give her a love" She was so real to her and she was completely enchanted. She liked Rapunzel too (and "fwinn why-do") and she sang along to a bunch of those songs. At the very end there was a ballroom scene where all the princesses came out and Mickey and Minnie and they all did one last number and then said goodbye. We tried to prep her and have her wave goodbye to everyone but when it all ended and the lights came back on a look of distress came across her face and she started full-on bawling. She was so sad that it was over. She said "no go bye bye, I want Belle to come to my house!" There was a huge backdrop castle that they used onstage and all the characters had gone into it at the end and she said "i want to take the castle" She was so sad it was so cute/funny/sad. It took her a few minutes to get over it and realize it was truly over but she still talks about them and tells me "we go to see the princesses a different day" I think one of the funnest parts of being a parent is knowing your kids and their personalities and knowing what they will love and then being able to spoil them a little bit. It was a magical night.
Saturday we did some things around the house and also took a trip to Cabelas, and then that night Paul and I had date a night and went out to dinner. Paul had been out of town the whole week and also the week before so we were sure happy to have him back and all to ourselves for the weekend.
On Sunday we got to spring forward (even though I feel like we JUST fell back) and Paul and I had high hopes of getting to "sleep in" (really jut seeing the clock look later) but alas both kids woke up super early for some reason and we had kind of a long day with them. We went to church and then to a friend's house for dinner so it was a fun day nonetheless. We definitely have a mild case of spring fever going on around here.
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