Eats: Same as last month, with the addition of a few solid foods now that he has teeth! He has had some crackers and juice a few times. Liked gnawing on the crackers, wasn't a big fan of juice. Also not a fan of the sippy cup. He now has 4 teeth with another one on the way. He cut three teeth within 4 days! And the fourth came abut 5 days later. It is both tops and both bottoms. I was amazed they all popped through so close to each other, definitely explained the previous struggles. What a champ though!

Sleeps: His naps have gotten back to being better after his teething month. Still will occasionally wake up at night once or twice when he is cutting a tooth. Other than that great sleeper, although he is completely partial to his crib.
Plays: He is sitting up so much better now and will sit and play with toys or watch TV for a long time. He is mesmerized by the TV, especially if it is a show with songs in it (which most are at our house). He can't get from his stomach to sitting yet so he is either one or the other (usually starts sitting and end up on his tummy and back). He still loves to roll around and scoot on his tummy. He has gotten on all fours a few times but hasn't done a true crawl. He also is tarting to want to stand more. He will pull on your fingers, but not pull himself up by himself, he just holds on and want you to help. He peeks over the bumpers in his crib and will pull them down to see things. He doesn't stand in his crib but I find him in all sorts of positions when I come in to get him. Usually pulling himself up on the bumpers and peeking through the slats or also I will find him laying down with his feet kicked up on the side on the bumpers.
Likes: He still likes to be independent. He rarely snuggles for long. He likes to be around people but just in his own little space doing his thing. He also likes to make noises! He yells and grunts really loudly. He can say "da da" and "ta ta" and "la la" but not with any regularity.
Dislikes: Taking medicine... we have had to pull out the Tylenol many a time this past month and he doesn't like it.

Also: He is wearing mostly 12 month size clothes, and I even bought 18 month size pajamas.
-His laugh is a grunty laugh that sometimes completely sounds like Donald Duck.
-Firsts: He celebrated his First Valentine's Day. First time getting sick... he caught some sort of stomach bug and threw up 3 times over 3 days. He as showing some other symptoms and I thought for sure he had an ear ache from teething but I took him to the doctor and he said it was a virus. Luckily it passed quickly. He was so sweet about it the whole time.
-his eyes are still very light and blue. Although when I was looking at Caitlin's pictures from this age hers were still a bluish-gray she was born with, they hadn't quite turned dark yet. So I guess they could still change but I hope they stay this way because they are beautiful!
-Stats from his 9 month check up (3/11/13):
weight: 24.27 lbs. (97%)
length: 28.75 inches (65%)
head circumference: 8.2 inches (82%)

And HERE is what Caitlin was up to at this age.
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