Tuesday night we went to dinner at Corner Bakery with come of the Stuart clan for the big announcement from Chelsea and Tyler. They are expecting, Chelsea is due July 31st and they announced to us... it's a girl! I was shocked, had guessed for sure a boy but earlier that day I told Caitlin that we were going to go see Chelsea and Tyler and see if her baby was a girl baby or a boy baby. And immediately Caitlin said "it's a girl." I tried asking the questions differently and telling her i thought it was a boy but she never wavered.. "no, it's a girl".... out of the mouth of babes! They will name her Zoey and we will finally have a cousin on the Pelton side! So excited!
Wednesday night we had a Cassie farewell party/Pelton mission reunion at BYU. We got a room in the Wilkinson Center and many people came to say goodbye to Cassie and many of our old missionaries were able to come and say hi to my parents. It was a nice night and I ate way too many BYU brownies. Afterward we were leaving and all of the social dance classes were having a dance in the Ballroom. Caitlin was in awe and HAD to watch the dancers. I felt pretty awkward standing there with my two kids watching a bunch of college kids mingle and foxtrot but Caitlin just stood there so still with her arms folded and watched the whole thing. One boy even came over and asked her to dance and she just looked and him and said "no" and then looked away. haha. But she still talks about it. Luckily there were only 2 songs left and then the dance was over or else we may have been crashing that party all night.
My kids were complete angels while my parents were here (Caitlin even took a nap everyday). I don't know if it was just natural timing or what but it's just another compelling argument for them to move here.
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