Eats: Rice cereal twice a day and 4 bottles, I've recently started experimenting with different sizes of bottles so that we will eventually eat more and drink less.But he really loves his bottle, and still isn't a huge fan of eating off a spoon. He is starting to be able to hold his own bottle when he eats.
Sleeps: Like an angel still, 2 naps a day for 1.5-2 hours but if he doesn't get a good nap (like if we are out running errands) he just needs a little snooze and he's good to go. Sleeps 12-13 hours at night.

Plays: He rolls over all the time, both ways and all over the room. Sometimes he gets "stuck" on his tummy and gets fussy so we reset him to his back and he's happy again. He can sit if you get him perfectly situated for (literally) a few seconds by himself but he's not sturdy at all. He plays really well with his toys. He gets really focused and likes looking at them.

Likes: When we come in to get him from naps or in the morning he kicks his little legs and gets so excited and smiley. He also likes his mommy... I'm still his favorite and I love it. Although he's really not picky at all. HE also still really likes his sister. Whenever she talks to him or plays with him he gets so happy. He likes to be on his back on the ground most of all. He prefers this to even being held most times. He also likes watching TV! That might be a bad thing to admit, but it's totally true.
Dislikes: Eating solid food still. He is doing better but we still have to wash everything down with milk. He also dislikes being cold. He is like me, doesn't like to be out in the elements even if we bundle him up.
Other: His hair is getting longer and he's getting more, but its very straight and thin and fluffy so there's no real chance for a style right now. He has also started teething, no teeth yet but we are in the chew-on-everything-and-drools phase. He is an expert grunter. He makes lots of noises. He is constantly growing out of his clothes. Pretty much every week after I am folding laundry I have at least a few things to set aside because he has grown out of them. He wears anything size 6-12 months but a lot of things that are 6 month size he has grown out of. He wears some 9 month things. Even so, he can only wear pants with a very elastic waistband. So he pretty much lives in onesies and sweats. Also, he and Caitlin wear the same size of diapers! Size 4. Wow.
Firsts: He celebrated his first Thanksgiving this month. He watched the parade and feasted on rice cereal. He also rode sitting up in a shopping cart for the first time.

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