Thursday we got them from the airport then met up with Cassie then went to Malawi's pizza.
Friday my Dad, Cassie and Paul went skiing and my mom, Caitlin and I ran a few errands. That evening Paul and I and my parents went to eat at Cafe Rio. We also played a lot of Boggle this weekend.
Saturday we went to a few stores in the morning, my dad visited his mom and then we headed back home. While Caitlin was napping Paul and I got out and ran a few errands and then that night we went to the BYU basketball game with my parents and Chelsea. It was our first one to attend this season so it was fun and we won! Afterwards we met up with the others and went to Sub Zero for ice cream.
Sunday my parents came to church with us and then that evening we had a big family dinner that was delicious. Unfortunately both Caitlin and my mom got sick (with different things) so it was a little bit of a hard day.
Monday my mom was really sick so we laid low. The boys were hoping to take advantage of the "huge snow storm" that was supposed to hit, but it never quite did. So we just had a normal day at home and let my mom rest... as much rest as you can get with Caitlin running around the house and wanting to spend every minute with Grammie.
Tuesday my parents went to the BYU devotional in the morning where Cassie sang with the Women's Chorus and then it was off to the airport that afternoon.

Always fun to have my parents around. Caitlin (and I) already miss the extra company and attention. We love you guys!
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