
La Caille

Friday night we went out for a celebratory dinner with the Turnbulls. The boys have officially completed their first year of work with vivint energy and it's been a success. This past year (workwise) has been one of high pressure, high hopes and high stakes for them but they have both done so well with it. After selling their company, they had a lot to do at vivint to make the transition go as well as possible and I can personally say that Paul has put in so much time and effort to make sure that he has done the best job possible with his new position and I am very proud of him. He is such a great provider for our family and I have always known that he is a super hard worker but he has proved it to me time and time again.
We went to La Caille to celebrate and had a delicious dinner. We had never been there before so it was fun to go and have the experience. The Turnbulls are such good friends and always so easy to talk to and the boys always keep Missy and I laughing and wondering what they will do next. Paul made up the rule that we all had to take a turn making a toast with our Martinelli's to something. We toasted to some good things so hopefully this coming year will prove to be as profitable as the last!

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