
told you she was wild..

So church has become quite the adventure lately. We are trying to improve every week with keeping Caitlin in check and juggling her between the hours and our callings. Sacrament meeting is an adventure and a workout. Then I usually take her into primary during singing time for the 2nd hour while Paul teaches his Sunday School lesson then Paul takes her during the 3rd hour while I teach my primary lesson. This was the case yesterday when Paul had her during the 3rd hour and she started getting loud so he took her out of class into the hallway. He was walking around letting her look at and touch things on the walls (pictures, bulletins, the wall itself...) when they came to the fire alarm. So in our building the fire alarm is under a clear plastic cover and then you pull on the actual alarm. Paul was just letting Caitlin look at it, then all of a sudden she went for it and pulled the clear plastic cover off. Paul tried to stop her from not pulling the whole thing not knowing that it's actually a 2 part alarm: step 1 is pull up the plastic cover and this will sound the alarm in the building. step 2 is to pull the red part to actually call the fire station. So, Paul found himself standing in the foyer holding Caitlin while the alarm started blaring throughout the building. He thought about running out entirely and fleeing the scene. But it didn't take very long for people to start coming out of rooms and the next ward started pouring out of their Sacrament meeting! Paul was trying to do some crowd control and tell everyone it was a false alarm. Someone came and asked if everything was ok and Paul explained what happened and he said that the alarm will sound for 5 minutes but the fire station wasn't called so it's fine. Paul hardly ever gets embarrassed but he said for the next 5 minutes, waiting for that alarm to finish ringing and for everyone to go back to their rooms and continue their church activities, he was embarrassed. Caitlin i think was a little proud of herself in the inside, but we will definitely not be making that mistake again!          


  1. LOL! that is an AWESOME story - and the joy you'll get telling it to her when she's older is TOTALLY worth the embarrassment paul felt that day! hahahaha

    and i totally hear ya about church being a workout/juggling act. goodness!

  2. Nice work Caitlin! I am slowly learning that church will probably not be meaningful for me until my babe is 18 months...
