
10 months old

new things this month:
-Starting to stand more often without support, until she realizes she's doing it and gets nervous and sits down. But she is gaining better control and balance of her body.
-LOVES to walk (assisted). Any open finger, walker, rolling chair, any sort of implement that she can stand and propel herself with she will find and push and scoot around.
-She will bear crawl is she's on a hard surface
-She eats table food now for every meal, with the exception of her baby oatmeal in the morning, and formula. She wants to feed herself all the time and will take some things off a spoon until she sick of it and wants to pick things up. She's really good at feeding herself. It's hilarious to watch her eat macaroni noodles because she slurps them in. it's so cute. I kinda got it on camera the other day:

(taken 6.6)
-She has started taking only one nap a day. She will nap for about 2-3 hours. Some days she will still take 2....we're all adjusting.
-Starting to form words. She has said "da da da" and "ba ba" and "ma". Most common it's "da da da". She hasn't associated the sounds with anything yet, it's still indiscriminate but i'm happy she is trying instead of just shrieking all the time and i love her new little noises.
-She's gotten 2 more teeth this month, making that 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
-i love how when she gets really happy or excited she scrunches her nose.
-She's pretty much just all over the place and into everything. She is fast and loves to explore.

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