-She starting crawling on April 22nd. Just a few times, and it's increased from there. I took this video on the 23rd, and she's improved a lot since then (not as much side to side action).
-She LOVES to be standing. If you are on the ground playing with her all she wants to do it crawl up to you and grab your fingers so you can help her stand. And then she's so happy and proud of herself. She wants to stand all the time. She also loves to walk around (with a little help of course).
-She started waving around the 17th. We were out for a wagon ride in Texas and she started waving at everything she saw. It's so adorable.
-She still sleeps about 12 hours through the night and takes 2 naps during the day. She still gets so excited in the morning when we go in and starts pumping her little arms and legs.
-No teeth yet but they are definitely on their way soon.
-She is SUCH a daddy's girl. She just loves being with him and having him hold her.
-She reaches for people when she wants to go to them.
-She gets SO distracted when we try to feed her. Any excuse to look at something else or twist around in her chair, or bend over... she's a wiggly one.
-She laughs a lot more. Whenever we tickle her tummy, she tried to hold back her laughs with grunts and noises. But eventually she will let it out.
-Just today I walked into get her from her nap and she was standing in her crib all by herself! This was the first time she pulled herself up to standing in there.
-Then she started "cruising" around her crib, holding onto the sides and when i brought her in the other room she was switching off standing between two of her toys.

Such a cutie! I can't believe how much she has already changed since you were here! She is going to be walking in no time!