
chopped the mop

I know what you're thinking: it's about dang time. after i had been growing it out for over a year, and had opted not to re-color it for about 6 months. yes. it was time. and it feels good.
I called to set up the appointment and asked them when the next available time was and they said Thursday at 8 AM. What?! Who does haircuts that early?! i didn't even know that was possible to schedule a haircut that early! But without any hesitation I said "yah! I'll do the 8 AM" That's when you know you're a mom.. when you're actually excited about an 8 AM haircut because it means you can leave your husband with your still-sleeping babe in the morning. And lovely Michelle was waiting there with her clippers for me.

I called Paul when I was done and he was busy playing. They just played and played all morning. I think she maybe got a 30 minute nap in there somewhere. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall all morning and watch them play together. Paul is such a good daddy. it warms my heart.

Also sad that i missed this: Paul took a shower with Caitlin (which we do all the time, she loves it but she gets so slippery! its kinda scary) Anyways, there they are having a perfectly nice shower when all of the sudden Caitlin starts pooping! on paul! in the shower! haha if that doesn't make you laugh, nothing will. I knew it had to happen sometime. Luckily i don't think Paul will hold a grudge. I think today he trumps me: you know you're a dad when your baby poops on you in the shower and you can be ok with it. 


  1. Your hair looks AWESOME.. and the pooping on paul incident is hilarious!!! :)

  2. ok love the hair, and i'm sad that tate has never pooped on tyler. i think its something that every parent should experience, go paul!

  3. It looks so fresh and new! You look beautiful!
