
10.27.10: 2 months old

Caitlin is 2 months old. She's beginning to look less like an infant and more like a baby but still of course just as cute as ever. Here's some things about her at this stage:
-She is fattening up a little bit, in her cheeks, thighs and arms. She also has the cutest little pot belly. She is still wearing her new born size clothes but it's getting close so i think that will change in the next little while.
-She is smiling and making noises and laughing more and more each day, which I LOVE. She is usually happiest in the morning when I go in to get her and it makes me so happy to start my day. She will just talk and laugh with me.
-She sleeps through the night about 3 nights a week, the others she wakes up once. She eats every 4 hours and naps in the morning and afternoon. She is still a great sleeper, although she definitely likes to be awake more often. She's alert and loves to just stare at things. We have a little play mat gym that she will play on and smile and laugh and look at the lights.
-She loves being outside! She will be fussing in her car seat inside then a soon as we go out she'll calm down. (then as soon as we get in the car she'll fall asleep) I've been taking her for walks in the morning and she loves it. She's so calm and peaceful outside. She definitely gets this from her dad!
-Paul is convinced she can roll over. If she's on her side, she can roll to her back, sometimes. She likes to be on her tummy but not for too long.
-She loves her binky, we mostly just give it to her when it's time to sleep. She also loves her hands and if she can find her thumb she's happy, but usually she will want the binky after a little bit.

went to the pediatrician. here's her stats:
height: 22.45 inches (52% percentile)
weight: 10.23 lbs. (32% percentile)
head circumference: 15 (31% percentile)

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