I feel like my blogging as been at a minimum lately starting in May. So I'm playing a little catch up. Paul said, "yah i can't believe that you're blog didn't shut down or something because you haven't put anything on it for a few days." Thanks babe. At any rate, i still like to keep up-to-date on here. So for my own self, i will keep posting.
End of April i went to a baby shower for Shannel Tingey. She is one of my good friends from work and is having a baby girl in September. I am SO excited for her and Tyler! Her shower was so cute.. the cutest decorations and food ever! I love Shannel she is so fun and easy to talk to, and she's going to be a great mom!

We have also gotten really into bowling lately. Paul wants to join a bowling league and even has his own bowling ball. Personally, I am horrible at bowling but it's still pretty fun and especially at Fat Cat's where i love their playlist, I could hang out there often, and i looks like i will be because that's all Paul want to do nowadays. Need us? We'll be at the alley.

We went camping a few weekends ago. We went up to a really cool spot by Eagle Mountain overlooking the lake and made tin foil dinners, roasted mallows, rode dirt bikes (in our case the scooter which did amazingly well off-road!). We went with Jeff and Melissa, Jason and Lindsay, Joe and Steffany, Brad Hancock and Morgan Taylor. My camera was out of battery but Morgan was able to capture this gem with his phone... Paul wrestling down a tree for firewood.
Also, our good friends Chris and Kathryn Clegg had their baby boy on May 11th! His name is Cole and is he VERY precious. So fun to have friends with babies! I can't wait to see him again!

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