
out with the old.. in with the new

Paul and I got new car insurance and as part of the process we had to Utah licenses. It was kinda sad! I now have Utah plates and license so i feel my car has lost all of Texas! I'm keeping my license as a souvenir.
So, when we went to the Driver's License Division we had to take a written driving test to switch state licenses. The test was 25 questions and you take it on a computer and it's open book. So they gave us the little packets and Paul was talking all this smack saying he's gotta beat me on the test. A few minutes later Paul asks me from his cubicle which question i'm on. I respond "number 17, you?" He responds. "umm 3." Needless to say i got done before him and i also scored a 100%. A little while later, Paul finished with an 80%.... which is the minimum you have to get to pass! O dear.. although honestly Paul is a much better driver than me, but at least i earned some bragging rights for a little while!


  1. that is so sad!! poor penelope. but im super proud of you rocking the test. i highly doubt i would be able to do so well. i bet you got a cute new picture though for your license, unlike my picture--the 15 year old version of myself

  2. I am so proud of you. Way to go on your test. Unfortunately I think I would have been like Paul. I am never good at that types of test. I am so sad you guys are no longer texans. You will always be a heart though.
