#1 somewhat rethinking my "jason is a really good guy" statement, and i also think that he cries way too much.. get a hold of yourself.
#2 still like Melissa and maybe even more so for taking it like a champ
and #3 think it was a little hasty of Molly to be so ready to "see how things go" about .5 seconds after he had just dumped his fiancee of 2 months. RED FLAG.
After the whole thing Paul turned to me and said "So who won?" good question.
i have to agree with you. very wierd ending. i was proud of the first girl though for actually kind of telling him how she felt when he broke off the engagement. i hate it how most of the girls on this show just nod and be like, well i guess i'm just not good enough for him. aargh. yeah, i'm not much of a fan of jasons anymore. too wishy washy.