My baby is not such a baby anymore. He's getting so big and developing and he legitimately thinks he's one of the big kids now. He tries to keep up and he is almost always happy and smiley with his sparkly blue eyes. He smiles the biggest when we catch him doing something sneaky. He's so pleasant and fun to be with.

Eats: He's been in full rebellion against baby food. Will absolutely not eat anything from a spoon and will only eat with his hands. He dislikes fruits and veggies and loves carbs. Especially cheeto puffs. He has a total sweet tooth and the one food that he gets impatient for is vanilla ice cream.... he's yelling for the next bite as soon as its left his mouth. He is an incredibly messy eater. We've switched his to whole milk and he's had no problem with it (I was a little worried because we had always used the sensitive formula with his because of his tummy problems in the beginning). He likes it warmed up and drinks 3 bottles a day. He also loves to drink from a straw.
Sleeps: He goes to bed around 8:30 and still wakes up around 7 for a bottle, then falls back to sleep until about 9. This is subject to his teething schedule which throws everything off. He still sometimes sneaks a cat nap in the morning (just if he is in his car seat) and then takes about a 2 1/2 hour nap in the afternoons.
Plays: He is SO close to walking on his own. He's such a tease... he could totally walk if he wanted. He will walk pushing things on holding onto fingers but as soon as you let go he freezes and drops down to crawl. He is a pro stander, he can stand up from sitting and stands for a long time. Just won't take steps! He claps his hands and will sometimes play peek-a-boo. He is pretty active but always likes to be playing with someone, especially brother and sister. He LOVES to be outside and he really likes playing with balls. He can throw and catch and seems pretty coordinated. There aren't very many other toys that keep his attention for long. Really nothing keeps his attention for too long. He is still obsessed with the toilet and I always find his splashing in the water or unrolling toilet paper. He also loves playing in the bathtub and will dive under the water and splash around... no fear of water for him.
Firsts: he got his first haircut from Dad: a little mohawk style. His hair has gotten a lot darker but is still staying at a dark blonde.

Stats from his one year check up (on September 29th)
height: 30.75" (72%) // weight: 22 lbs (58%) // head circumference: 18.75" (85%)
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