
joys of motherhood: march

My kids have a lot of personality. I always thought this was a given in kids but as I'm seeing more kids and seeing different temperaments I'm realizing that my kids come out with a bang and make an impression (not saying it's always a good one) but I'm so thankful for their big personalities and their clever conversations and questions that constantly keep me on my toes. A lot of the things they say are all in the delivery too... their cute little voices and intonations I wish I could describe as accurately.   

-She saw an older lady doing the crosswalk while some kids were getting out of school and this is what she said: "What?! A grandma is being the stop sign holder lady?!"
-She always includes "Mint" as one of her favorite colors, right there with pink.
-I realized the other day that she legitimately thinks that Alice from Alice in Wonderland's name is: Allison Wonderland
-the other day we were driving and I pointed out something we saw. Caitlin didn't see it then she said "I just don't have i spy eyes"
me: what are i spy eyes?
C: you know, like when you can see things really good far away.
On the other hand, when she does notice something she'll say "I really had good i spy eyes on that one"
-Our neighbor's birthday was a few weeks ago, on a Sunday. He is a boy turning 14 and his older and younger sisters babysit for us often, we love their family. Caitlin found out it was his birthday at church and was so excited to come home and "make him a craft for is birthday!" She worked really hard on her little presents for him then I went with her across the street. She kept saying "oh he is just really going to love this!" She wrote his name on it and considered colors he would like and everything. When we went to give it to him she got a little more shy but was still proud of her work and told him happy birthday. I was so impressed with her confidence that of course this 14 year old boy would want a craft from her! And he'd love it!

-Caitlin loves writing things and is always asking me how to spell things so she can write them. The other day she drew a picture for Paul and wanted her message to be: "Please eat your vegetables because they are very good for you" 

-Nolan not sleeping. Not during the night, no during the day. He wakes up all throughout the night and then early in the morning. He takes 2 hours to settle into bed at night and fall asleep. It's exhausting. 
-Nolan often refers to himself as "Nolan Man" and I've seen him playing with new friends and they will ask his name and he tells them "I'm Nolan Man." They are like "what?!" It cracks me up. 
-I was getting Nolan dressed and pulled out a navy blue and yellow striped shirt for him to put on. As it was sliding it over his head he said, "Hey! Moooom! I don't wanna dress like a bumble bee!" Made me laugh out loud.
-The other day at the grocery store I got both kids a donut and Nolan chose chocolate. So of course he just ate all the chocolate off the top and got extremely messy with it. As i was putting him in his car seat. I said, "Nolan you have donut all over you! You're so messy!" He looked at me, licked more chocolate off his cheek and said, "Mom. You can't have your cake and eat it too!" Ha Ha! I was so taken aback. He learned that phrase from a movie he watched a lot but his timing in this situation was impeccable.

-The kids LOVE to go in to see Maverick once he is awake in the morning or after naps. They fight over who will get to go in first to see him. Maverick gets so happy to see them.

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