
joys of motherhood: october

Oh my heavens... these kids of mine are full of it. "it" being: personality, sass, spunk, defiance, attitude and a few other things I can think of. But also sweetness and cuteness and snuggles and I love these little hooligans.

-More breast feeding blunders: while I was feeding Maverick, Nolan came running up and observed for a second then said, "Is he eating YOU mom?!"
-Driving in the car and Nolan suddenly exclaims, "I see lion king!" I look over and there was a beautiful sunset between the mountains that looked like the opening scene to lion king (cue Swahili music... I know you can picture it right now)
-I was getting ready and nolan was by me and said "Mom, You look handsome" I said thank you and then I explained that actually boys look handsome but if you're a girl you look pretty. Boys are handsome and girls are pretty. He stopped for a second, looked at me and said "Mom... You look cool"
-each of my kids seem to go through a Lion king phase where that's all they want to watch and they are obsessed. Nolan is actually pretty obsessed with Lightning McQueen from Cars but sometimes when he says it is sounds like "lion king" so I think when he has babysitters, etc they put in the Lion King movie for him and it has turned into another obsession. He wants to watch it all day everyday!
-Nolan has started incorporating "actually" and "of course" into conversation. 

-Caitlin is jealous of Aria in her preschool class because she can snap her fingers and also of Sam because she has her ears pierced... both really big deals. 
-when Caitlin and I went to the homecoming spectacular show we saw the ballroom team perform and Caitlin LOVED it. She loved their sparkly dresses. At the beginning of the number one girl came out to center stage and was dancing solo then the eat of the team came out and started dancing in couples. Caitlin exclaimed, "but, She doesn't have her prince!"
-we drove home the other night in separate cars from Paul and Caitlin's Competitive driver side really came out. She was absolutely determined to win and get home before dad and was telling me the whole time to "driver faster" "go speedy! We gotta win!!" It was cracking me up... Talk about peer pressure! At one point she told me to hurry up and go fast and I said "Caitlin I'm trying in but there's cars in the way!" She said, "just go OVER them!!" Haha what?! For the record, we did win.

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