
joys of motherhood: december

-Caitlin's best quote to date: After emerging from her room in a new dress up outfit and her gold church shoes, "Mom I need some music on. Because I have sparkly shoes... and sparkly shoes should always have music."
-Caitlin's response to almost any request or question is "of course!"
-Caitlin learned all the reindeer's names:  Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Dickson, Comet, Cooper, (Donner--never remembered that one) Blitzen, and Rudolph!
-I took the kids to the doctor for Nolan's 18 month check up and as we were waiting for the elevator another family came out of the doctor to wait by us. The 3 kids were all in pjs and wrapped in blankets and had the little masks over their faces to protect from coughing. Caitlin saw them and turned to me and put her hand to her mouth and was giggling and started saying "Mom, look they have little masks on their face thats so silly!" and could not stop giggling. They all totally heard and it was so awkward.
-I was getting medicine for Nolan and the bottle said it was for ages 2+ but he already exceeded the weight requirement so i was wondering which one to go by. I stopped to ask the pharmacist if Nolan could use the medicine if he weighed enough. The pharmacist asked "Well how old is he?" "18 months" "And how big is he?" I pointed to Nolan sitting in the cart and his eyes got big and he said "Oh yah he's fine he's big enough." HAHA!
-We went to a tumbling gym place with Bekah and Jordan and Mike and Jenna. Bekah was doing an obstacle course and fell and ended up hurting both of her feet. When she had fallen I ran over to the side and was talking to her across the course asking if she was ok. Two girls who looked to be about 10-11 ran over by me and after I was talking to Bekah one asked "Are you her mom?" UMMM no. Do I look old enough to be the mother of a 19 year old?!
-Caitlin loves to how people surprises and makes pretty much anything into a surprise by saying, "Mom close your eyes" then bringing it out from behind her back and announcing what is is. She also loves said "guess what?" To which we say "what" and she has a variety of responses, such as:
"I have another genius idea" or "i have a surprise" or "I love you"
-Caitlin was talking on her play phone and had this conversation:
"Oh Hi baby Jesus, what are you doing?
 Oh building a snow man? Fun!"
-All the fun songs are one of the best parts of Christmas and my kids have een catching on. Nolan will chime in with the snowman song or an occasional "ho ho ho" and Caitlin knows about 3 or 4 whole songs by herself, usually she ends up mixing them all together along with made up lyrics or bits and pieces from other songs. She's not picky about where she sings them either: at home, in the car or my personal favorite in the store. She will just be sitting in the cart BELTING OUT Christmas songs and waving her arms and just singing for anyone to hear. It's hilarious and I completely encourage it. 

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