
Nolan : one month

On July 6th, Nolan turned one month. This little boy has been the sweetest baby from the get-go. We are so lucky to have him in our family and he has such a calming effect on me because he is (almost) always perfect. He is so sweet and I am completely smitten with him, well, we all are.
Here's how his month went:
-He eats every 3.5-4 hours during day. At night we will go for a stretch of 5-6 hours.
-He is a good eater. He has been good at nursing although it seems to give him tummy/digestive problems.
-He spits up a lot and is horrible at burping still. It's hard to get decent ones out of him thus the spit up. the spitting up doesn't seem to bother him but the tummy aches do.
-He poos ALL THE TIME, and when there is one squirt, there are always 2-3 more to follow! So i am sure to wait it out a little before I rush to change him.
-He is growing like crazy! I feel like he is already so much bigger than is surprises me when people see him and say "oh he's so tiny!" He has already grown out of all his newborn clothes and fits really well into 0-3 month size, and can fit into a few 3 month things.
-He is still a great sleeper.  He is definitely starting to be awake more often which is really fun but he does really well sleeping at night.
 -We are still experimenting with the swaddle, he seems to not really care if he is swaddled or not and kicks his little legs when he wakes up so I usually find him with his feet out.
-He still likes to cuddle against my chest which I love.

-He gives the cutest smiles. Usually right after he eats or when he is getting his diaper changed. I love his little open-mouthed grin and of course try to make him smile all the time.
-He has always had a really strong neck. He likes to lift up his head and look at you when you hold him against your chest and will also lift is when he's on his tummy.
-He is totally cross eyed. It cute and kind of funny.
-He likes to arch his back and look back really far and stretch out.

-(loves) his binky
-laying on his side.
-laying in our bed.. he sleeps so well in there! One night after i fed him i wrapped him up and laid him down in my spot then went to the bathroom and got a drink and by the time i got back (to put him back to sleep) he had already fallen asleep on his own!
-being held OR chilling.. such a great second child. Likes the attention when he gets it but is also happy to lay on the floor or sit in his seat if he needs to.

-being in his car seat.. he will cry for like 5-10 minutes then usually zonk out. I think he doesn't like the position it makes him sit in because of his tummy aches.

-He enjoys his baths
-He has had super dry skin, doctor said it is just learning to adapt coming from a wet environment to a dry one.
-He has baby acne really bad right now and it gets worse when he gets hot. Poor little guy. He really is so handsome!
-He is a noisy sleeper! He always snores when he gets into a good sleep. It's cute. He's also a noisy eater.
-He is very patient and sweet and calm
-He is such a trouper! He has been through a lot his first month of life, with visitors and being taken here and there and out in the sun and in the car. Life took a short break for us and then we were busy again so he has been along for the ride and has been the perfect baby for it.
(caught him at a bad moment for the laundry basket pic... sorry bud!)

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