Saturday was Madison's party and unfortunately i forgot my camera back at the house so i will have to steal some pictures because it was such a cute party. Melissa did such a good job planning everything. It was at a park by their house and it was a "diva party" so everything was zebra print and pink. It was so adorable. Madison is the sweetest little girl. After the party we went to a mexican restaurant for dinner and Caitlin really got into the guacamole:

Monday we went to the pumpkin patch and had a lot of fun and got very dirty. Surprisingly, my fearless little girl was not a fan of the petting zoo this time, she clung to my legs the whole time but she did like exploring other things like the tubes and the hay and the corn kernel box. That night they all needed a bath really bath so we thought it would be fun to have them take one together. Caitlin was NOT into that idea. She started screaming as soon as we put her in and when we took her out she just cowered in the corner the whole time. Always full of surprises. And no matter where she goes she is a mischief maker! That night we watched the 1984 version of Footloose.

typical Caitlin.. first chance she gets she tries to make a run for it. I see that face on a daily basis, this picture cracks me up.

Tuesday we took Lorraine and Christine and Cason to the airport and Caitlin said a tearful goodbye and then Melissa took be to "Last Chance". This is the store where they take everything from Nordstrom Rack that doesn't sell.. basically scratch & dent Nordstrom. It was awesome. No pictures, but plenty of items to show for it. :) Melissa and I made a couple bows while the girls were sleeping and then that night we got pizza and then after the babies went to sleep Melissa and I went to see the new Footloose. We were the only ones in the theater! then another couple came late. But that didn't stop us from dancing. I liked the new one a lot.
Wednesday morning we went to the park and saw the ducks and then took everyone home for a nap. Then we got packed up and headed out. We got home safe and sound but had so much fun on our trip. Jeff and Melissa were great hosts and we did so many fun things. Caitlin was in heaven with so many fun people the play with and honestly, me too.
thats so funny cause i was just in AZ too! and went to Last Chance. found some great shoes!