things that have been going on lately of mention (not in chronological order):
A little over a week ago Caitlin and I got to have over Brooke and Kate Gottfredson while their mom went to a dentist appointment. Technically, these little girls are my cousins. But they are the cutest play mates with Caitlin and she loved every second of having them around (WAY more entertaining than mom!)
I have officially joined the 21st century and got an iPhone. It's a big deal. (Ironically, i got my iphone on the same day that Steve Jobs died.) I will never again have a bored moment now that i can check my email and play games and do whatever else right from my phone. (as if i have time to do that anyways) I also got a new phone plan, hence a new phone number and i'm officially an (801) area code... slow steps toward accepting my Utah permanence.
I put up my Halloween decorations (confession: i actually put them up back in September!) and now i'm afraid i'm going to be so sick of them by the time Halloween rolls around.
On the complete other side of the spectrum: i made Christmas stockings! I thought i might as well just make them early so i wouldn't have it hanging over my head and i'm very happy with how they turned out.
Paul is rocking it at work. He just helped closed a huge funding deal for and he is doing awesome and loving it there. And working A LOT. I love it when we actually get to see him in between but nonetheless very proud of my hubbylicious.
I don't know if i've ever mentioned this but the one show that Caitlin will actually sit and watch is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Not always, but most times. BUT she likes to be watching with someone. She doesn't want to stay and watch if you leave. Today she cuddled in my lap and watched a full episode and it was heaven. (p.s. i'm not trying to push watching tv on her, but it's nice to have her attention span occupied sometimes.)
i love love LOVE your halloween decorations!!! i want all of them!