Gottfredson Family Reunion: Paul's mom's side of the family had a reunion at their cabin in Evanston, WY. It was also a celebration of Grandma and Grandpa Gottfredson's 50th Wedding anniversary. Congratulations! We had a specail presentation night with pictures from their courtship and life together that was really cool. We also went boating, ate, shot guns, did archery, played with all the kids, i read a book (The Help--so so good), we shot off fireworks and took family pictures. And Paul and I didn't even get to stay the whole time! Paul's family is big and fun. There is always something going on and kids running around. I love their family and I am glad to be a part of it. (I'm ashamed to say i took no pictures. hopefully i can steal some from someone soon)
a little shiner: learning to walk is rough. Caitlin fell while we were playing mini croquet and got a boo-boo. I feel so bad. We went and got ice right after it happened and tried to put it on as much as she would let us. she was such a trooper and it seems to be clearing up fast.
fireworks: We shot off fireworks for pioneer day with Chelsea and Tyler. It was low-key and fun. We got fancy with the sparklers.
Barnes Cabin: On Sunday the 24th, we went up to the Barnes cabin for dinner and hanging out. Dinner was delicious. We took a little drive up the mountain to see "our trees" where we carved our names in 2 years ago. I couldn't believe it had been so long. We added Caitlin's name in the tree and it'll be fun to see what has changed by the next time we go up!
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