
our new pet

After over 2 years of an intense waiting period (for one of us) and an anxiously post-poning period (for the other of us)... THIS arrived to our house. Paul's bear rug that he shot in Alaska a few months before we were married. It's here. and it's taking over our extra bedroom. and it kinda scares me. it's staring at me as i'm typing this.With all that said, it's an impressive and huge animal. And it's fur is very thick and soft. Well done Paul.


  1. This makes me laugh really hard. All I have to say is at least Chris's hog is only a head and not an entire body as well. Have fun with that one. I do expect that bear to be taken out though by the time I get there so I have somewhere to sleep. I CAN'T WAIT!! See you too!

  2. No way. Awesome Bear. Aren't you so excited they finally got done (slight sarcasm). I can't wait to see how it looks in your house. I am afraid I will be sitting next to ours on the way home.

  3. that is so disturbing. poor cassie for having to sleep under it!
