
for: Leigh, Whitney and Heather

the other night i went to the malt shoppe with my family and started reliving some of our freshman glory days. and by "glory days" i mean: we owned the jukebox there, i thought they took dining plus, we wrote down and charted out every malt flavor with the intention of trying every single one, we didn't quite accomplish that but got closer than probably any other set of 4 people, we somehow ended up there on quite a few dates, one time this guy was hitting on us but was so disgusted when he found out we were freshman (so sorry?), we would walk there but if we were feeling "cool" we would drive, i pounded cheese fries and a large malt on a regular basis, i saw my freshman algebra teaching working there one night (super awkward), we often had dances in the stadium parking lot with malt-in-and afterward, and of course we snapped a few photographic gems such as this picture:and this one. Oh the days of the malt shoppe. Thanks for your malts, cheese fries, and memories.


  1. OMG so many good memories!!! that was a great post, and not gonna lie, made me a little teary eyed. we are so fun! i miss those times. haha love you!

  2. Yay! I just told Kevin about all those times and he totally didn't understand, looked at me like I was funny. ha ha I loved freshman year! Miss you guys.
