
a word about me

I was talking a friend a while ago who said reading her grandmothers journals let her get to know her grandmother a lot better. This blog is my journal, although I started to wonder how much people reading down the road would learn about strictly myself.

A lot about me is projected through my family. They are absolutely my world and my life revolves around them. And I don't think that's bad-- I love it. My main interests, goals and hobbies are having a happy family.

BUT in an interest to preserve who I am between and underneath all of my mothering and wife-ing and for anyone who might want a deeper look into ME... Here's what's going on in my life right now:

Cortney Pelton Dickson
Age: 28
Goals: my biggest goal as of late was to run a marathon. It's something I never thought I would do and after I had Maverick I decided I needed a big goal to get back in shape and that's what I chose. It was a great experience and I've very glad I stuck with my goal and completed it. My next goals would be to run a half marathon in under 2 hours and also to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.   
Health: In May I was having lots of symptoms where I felt like something inside of me was out of balance. Mainly that I was constantly fatigued, irritable and had daily bad head aches. I also felt like my metabolism had stopped. It was just really hard to function and be a fun mom so I went in for some blood testing and found out I have thryoid issues. After meeting with a few doctors and lots of bloodwork, I am now seeing an endocrinologist who diagnosed me with "Postpartum Thyroiditis" where basically your thyroid shuts down after child birth and your body is forced to reconcile and try to reboot the thyroid, which swings you between being hyperthyroid and hypothyroid in a pendulum of symptoms. The treatment plan is the get on medication (a thyroid supplement) in order to try to balance out the thyroid and kickstart it back to normal function on its own. Sometimes the thyroid will recover and sometimes it will never fully recover. It is also something that will most likely happen after every subsequent birth. So I've been dealing with that several months now. It's frustrating to me that my body is having issues. It's frustrating to me that everything can't just work normally and I feel like I don't have the time and extra energy to be going to doctor's visits for myself and finding courses of action and constantly having blood work done. But I also know that I need to get everything in alignment and stay as healthy as I can. So I'd say my overall health right now is OK because it could be a lot worse. But it's not where I'd want it to be.
Interests/Hobbies: traveling, cooking (not baking, I'm not good at that but I love eating treats more than food!), shopping, event planning (I LOVE planning parties and gatherings and I'm currently helping coordinate my neighbor's daughter's wedding).  I also like working out. It's a love/hate because I wish I didn't have to but I always feel so good when I do and I enjoy it while I'm there. 
Fears: I'm afraid my kids will grow up to be brats, really trying to prevent that. I'm also afraid of anything happening to me or my family that would be out of my control. I definitely have fears but I really try not to think about the bad things because I feel like it's wasted stress. 
Struggles: I hate disciplining my kids, it's the hardest thing for me always feeling like the bad guy and having to tailor my discipline to what each child will respond to. I also have a hard time waking up early. My only time to work out is in the morning at 6 AM before Paul's goes to work and I always feel better when I do but it's really hard for me to wake up early and put forth the effort especially when I feel like I don't see changes. I also am constantly working on being more patient, not being judgmental or gossiping, and being better at small talk (especially when I'm in random work settings with Paul).  
Strengths: I'm a good friend and I'm considerate. I'm reliable. I think I'm good at balancing things because we live a very busy life. I wear a lot of hats (mom, wife, wife of an executive, sister, friend, daughter....) Sometimes it can be hard to juggle everything but I think I do a pretty good job.  
Guilty pleasure: My #1 would be Dr. Pepper, especially a "dirty Dr. Pepper" which has coconut added. I know it's not good for me but I love it. 
Favorite scripture: 1 Nephi 7:12 (This one has been my favorite for a long time)

Favorite hymn: "Because I have Been Given Much" In general I feel extremely blessed in my life and I really have nothing to complain about. Sometimes I feel like things are too good to be true, and maybe that's the case. Maybe be have huge challenges coming ahead of us but that's ok. I know that we can handle whatever comes our way because we are rooted in the gospel and I have an amazing companion by my side. I'm so incredibly grateful to find myself in the situation I'm in.

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