
maverick: 8 months old

Maverick is growing and changing more than ever. My baby isn't seeming so much like a baby any more!

Eats: He is chunking up and still loving his food! We love his chubby cheeks he is getting. He has four teeth, two top and two bottom and got them all within about 2 weeks of each other. He loves to eat food by himself and he loves crackers, cookies, and cheeto puff things.

Sleeps: Still takes a short nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon. Length depends on his teething and how loud the rest of the house is!

Plays: We've now entered wriggle city. He is getting close to crawling and wants to take his tagging along to the next level. We had to get rid of his swing because he fell out of it one day! Same with his bouncy seat. He will get up on his hands and knees but gets frustrated that he doesn't go anywhere.

Also: He is still my friendliest baby and has a smile for everyone. He hasn't had any sort of stranger danger, although he prefers to be with mom if that's an option. He's working on waving. He says "baba" and "mama" and lots of other sounds.

Firsts: First time on the RZR, first time out of country, to Mexico. He loves the water and liked sitting in the pool on our vacation. He also had his first encounter with the beach and ingested quite a bit of sand.
April 5th - May 5th

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