Nolan's stats from his 15 month appointment:
height: 32 inches (85%)
weight: 27 lbs. (94%)
*Just an interesting fact: I took Caitlin in for her 3 year appointment at the same time and got all of her measurements and right now the two of them are only 4 pounds and 4 inches different from each other.
Here are a few things about Nolan at 15 months:
-He is walking 100% of the time. Mid August (when he was about 14.5 months old) the switch flipped and he decided to be a little walker full time. He does a good job walking and he's so cute to watch toddle around. He fall sometimes but it doesn't seem to bother him.
-He is talking more and more. Still not a ton. I did a survey at the doctor's and based on how i answered the questions they said his communication is a little behind. It's not that he is quiet, it's just that he hasn't started coming up with and forming words on his own a lot. But he definitely knows what he wants and figures out how to get it. And he does say some words: baba (bottle), buh buh (bye bye), hi, please, ball, woof woof, quack quack
-He has gotten a ton of new teeth lately, including 2 more on the bottom and 2 of his molars. Consequently he is almost always drooling and a little bit more fussy than usual sometimes but overall he's a champ with the teeth.
-Church is hard with him. We are all ready for nursery but have a few more months to go. We discovered this last week that he can push the sacrament doors open by himself and go out into the hallway... that made for an exciting first hour.
-He is such a wanderer! He just goes wherever he wants to go and doesn't have a care in the world as to whether anyone else is following or knows where he is. We have let him stray a few times while we've watched him to see if he gets any sort of realization that he's alone and needs to come back and every single time we've had to just eventually go get him.
-He is really strong but also very agile. He's always been a big boy but always had a good grip on how to move around and has wanted to move and be active.
-He is very rough and tumble and hardly ever gets hurt. Well, what i mean is he gets hurt a lot but he hardly ever shows pain. He doesn't cry very often or make a big fuss he just whines a little and then wants to carry on doing whatever he was doing. The other day at a friends house he was going out their back door and there is a step down from the door to the deck. He didn't know so he did a faceplant out the door and then rolled over to his back and didn't even cry but was just laying there whimpering a few times. When i tried to pick him up he pushed me a away and just started walking around. He has also fallen down the stairs twice in the last month and both times he cried for about 2 minutes then wanted to get down and play again. I don't tell these stories to brag about how much he gets hurt (breaks my heart and it sounds like I'm not paying attention to him but i promise i am!) I just tell them to illustrate how rough and tumble he is. He is so tough.
-The only time he cries or yells is when he wants something he can't have. Like something dangerous or if a toy gets taken away from him. Then he gets very possessive.
-His little moments of mischief scare me because he is so quiet. And he's such a good climber and even if something were to happen he wouldn't make that big of a deal about it and then just go right back to trying again. I have found him in the darndest places and I'm so perplexed as to how he got there.
-He still loves his "baba" and drinks a bottle 3 times a day.
-He takes a long nap in the afternoon (from about 2:30-5:30) but sometimes he still likes to snag a little power nap in the morning, usually in the car.
-He is not a picky eater as long as he's in the mood for it and recently he has wanted to only feed himself. He wont take things off a spoon at all and sometimes wants to even do the spoon or fork himself.
-He has an excellent stink face that he shows if he ever doesn't like something or gets woken up too early.

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