-We were all in the car together and Paul an I were joking about something and I responded "No, we're not white trash!" A few minutes later when Paul walked around to get Caitlin out of her car seat he opened her door and she said "Dad, I'm not white trash!"
-Caitlin lovingly hung up all her tutus in her closet:
-She likes to sing the song "If you chance to meet a frown..." and this is her frowny face:
-I may have mentioned this before but whenever I can't get her to eat I put her lunch in a muffin tin and put little things in each cup and she gets a treat in one if she finished all her other things. She loves eating stuff like this.
-We were at the Dinosaur museum and Caitlin turned the corner before me and shouted "look mom it's a roly poly": (I personally think she was pretty close)
-calls "pirates booty" (the puffed popcorn stuff) = pouty booty
-Everything is "kinda" for Caitlin (ex: I'm kinda tired, I'm kinda hungry, He's kinda funny...) the other day she and Nolan were standing in the hall at church and an older man cam and started talking to them. He said hi to Caitlin and asked her a few questions and then turned to Nolan and said "hey little man" to which Caitlin piped up and said "umm, he's kinda Nolan."
-We sing Princess songs pretty much anytime we are in the car and Caitlin actually knows them pretty well until the other day she decided to do her own rendition of the Cinderella song "no matter how your heart is grieving".... = "no matter how your fart is bleeding" ouch.
-The other day in the store Caitlin announced she needed to "Go PEEP!"
me: "you need to peep?"
C: "yes! I need to go PEEP in the potty!"
-While eating goldfish Caitlin was looking at the box and pointed to this little picture of the cabin:
She asked incredulously: "Is that their house?! Is that where ALL the goldfish live?!"
-A lot of people have told us Caitlin speaks well for her age. I don't really know because I don't have much to compare it to but I feel like she does well. She almost always speaks in full sentences when she is asking or answering a question. She rarely will just say "yah" or "ok" it's always "i do." or "i will." It makes me laugh. Although she still pronounces her Ls as Ws.
Nolan man:
-Nolan LOVES hats. Anything he can make into a hat he will, including bowls, boxes, headbands and actual hats of all shapes and sizes.
-He also loves to play in the bath tub and will dive in water or no water.

Whenever I do catch him on top of the table I'll say "Nolan!" and he looks at me and shakes his head and says "no no no" Because he knows he's not supposed to me up there. Sometimes he gets down and sometimes he gives a little smile and looks away and keep doing what he's not supposed to be doing.
-Nolan won't always wave on command but he likes at random things. Cars, animals, the random passerby. Once he starts he doesn't stop. And he likes to say "buh buh" for bye and wave.
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