-The other day she was giving me a pretend check up and said "oh where is my heart necklace?" and was looking around. I wasn't sure what she was talking about because she has so many necklaces... turns out it the "heart necklace" was her stethoscope.
-Caitlin is always making plans and wanting to know sequencing. She wants to know what we're doing, then what we'll do after that, then where we will go after that, for as long as I will keep telling her. It' pretty funny when she makes her wn plans, she just keeps saying things so the other day after lunch we were either watching a movie, playing toys, fighting a dragon or snuggling on the couch. We ended up taking a nap.
-She says "your majesty" all the time to me. (i.e. "Thank you your majesty", or "here you go your majesty") usually accompanied by a curtsy/bow.
-On the Disney channel (which by the way is pretty much the only channel we watch) they have this little commercial that goes through a bunch of clips of princess shows and little girls and they say things like "I am a princess. I always keep my promises, I am a princess, I am a true friend" little phrases like that. Caitlin has seen it so many times she knows a lot of the phrases so the other day she was watching it and saying them and then when it was done in a quiet voice she says "In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." and nods her head.
-Caitlins newest additions to her vocabulary: Actually and Absolutely
-In the car she let out a loud burp and then giggled and said "oh, I had a little toot in my mouth"
-Nolan loves hats. Both real hats and anything he can make into a hat. Any open bowl or bucket ends up on his head and he is happy as can be about it. 
-Nolan used to love his baths but lately he hasn't wanted to sit and play in them like he used to. He is more into climbing in and out which obviously doesn't work when there are bubbles and water involved. So I give him quick baths but then I also have to make sure that the door to the bathroom is always closed or else he goes in and (literally) dives into the bathtub. Which i wouldn't really mind but he also eventually always makes his way to the toilet and puts his hands in. Which is where i draw the line.
-Nolan is taking more and more steps and is doing great with walking! He's not totally walking everywhere but when he gets in the mode he is determined.
-Nolan is a hard core climber and has no fear of anything. It totally freaks me out too. I'll find him in the most precarious positions that make my heart race when I see him and he is just happy and determined as can be. He has no sense of what he can and cannot do and he is so quiet about it to, so sneaky. I'm in trouble.

-Nolan is taking more and more steps and is doing great with walking! He's not totally walking everywhere but when he gets in the mode he is determined.
-Nolan is a hard core climber and has no fear of anything. It totally freaks me out too. I'll find him in the most precarious positions that make my heart race when I see him and he is just happy and determined as can be. He has no sense of what he can and cannot do and he is so quiet about it to, so sneaky. I'm in trouble.
-Nolan calls Caitlin "taay" so whenever I call to her or when he is looking for her he calls out to her. It's the cutest thing ever.
-Nolan is still not very good at holding still when he is supposed to. But he is still good at playing on his own. For example: He will almost never sit in my lap to look at a book but I find him looking at them on his own sometimes.
-Nolan is still not very good at holding still when he is supposed to. But he is still good at playing on his own. For example: He will almost never sit in my lap to look at a book but I find him looking at them on his own sometimes.
Your kiddos are precious!