Eats: He is widening his selection of foods, we moved into some meats this month but he isn't a huge fan of those yet. He eats three meals a day of fruits and/or veggies and/or meats. His favorite fruit is applesauce and favorite veggie is carrots. He is pretty icky about texture. Hence him not liking cereals and not some meats. He likes it pretty liquidy. He also drinks 3 8 oz. bottles with each meal. We still add gripe water to almost every bottle to stay ahead of any tummy aches and we still give him sensitive formula. He likes the Target store brand the best.

Sleeps: He is still a great sleeper at night (12-13 hours) but his naps were more touch-and-go this month. Still blaming the teething, along with a few disturbed nights. Overall still pretty good and hoping to get back to being better.

Plays: He started army crawling this month! All of a sudden he just took off on his belly. He has gotten faster and faster and he is starting to get more adventurous and cover more ground recently. Ever since he's started moving I've found him in some pretty funny spots. And he gets stuck a lot. He loves going on the hardwood floor and sliding on his belly to gain some speed. He also likes standing but still needs quite a bit of help to support his weight. He likes playing with balls or anything he can chew on (which he thinks is everything). He can't get into a sitting position by himself but he does a very nice side plank and props himself up on his elbow.

Likes: He likes his crib and he gets happy whenever we put him in it. He also REALLY likes his sister. Caitlin makes him smile really fast, even when she's not trying to. His favorite thing still is to just be on his back and rolling around playing with toys. He loves music and having dance parties with Caitlin.

Dislikes: He hates having his face wiped. He also doesn't like sitting.. he totally can and he will for a little bit but in general he just doesn't like it. He prefers to be on his tummy or back. I tried to solve the problem of too-tight-tummy by getting him a pair of overalls. They were still kinda tight on his thighs I think but they look cute.

Also: He has been very drooley. We tried a sippy cup for the first time but he doesn't really get it yet. And his hair is getting really long! It's much longer than Caitlin's was at this age. He still doesn't really have stranger-danger at all. He is fine with babysitters or being held by different people. We moved to the 1 pm church time and it's been a little rough. He will not really fall asleep in his carseat anymore but he gets tired the last hour but won't sleep, which is also when Paul and I have callings. And he is wiggly and wants to just be on the floor, which is always a little weird because you just don't always trust the floors around. He is also super loud sometimes... nothing like someone trying to share a super spiritual experience to the tune of Nolan's extra loud grunts and groans.
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