
a few of my favorite things

I'm officially obsessed. Not surprised at all that I feel this way, but I really am. I love, love LOVE my baby and of course I think she is the most perfect thing ever. My days are now divided into 4 hour blocks between feedings and I usually spend the in between times just staring at her and playing with her and holding her. I love her and I love being a mom. I knew I would love her so much but it's hard to know exactly how you'll feel. I feel like I don't know how I ever really lived without her. I feel like my whole pregnancy was some sort of prolonged dream and now she's just here and this is my life now. It's awesome.

It's been really fun to start getting to know her and seeing what she's like. It's crazy how some things you can tell right off the bat and other things we will have to wait and see how she is as she gets older. Here's some things about her:

-We knew she would be stubborn. Hence the inducement and 15+ hour labor, and 2 hours of pushing. And now that she's out she very much likes to do her own thing. She's had her own little schedule and she doesn't like to be disturbed or awoken, even if it is to eat. So I just let her sleep to her little heart's content.
-She was 7 lbs. 8 oz. when she was born. Then she dropped down to about 6.13 and now she's working her way back up to her birth weight, she's around 7.3 right now. No matter what she feels so tiny to me! Such a little peanut.

- She is such a sweet baby! She only really cries if there is a legitimate reason and she is very patient. Since she doesn't cry that often it makes it so sad for me when she does!

-She's a good eater. Not always, but the majority of the time. She usually goes about 4 hours during the day and 5 hours at night. She just wakes up when she's ready! It definitely takes a lot of patience to get the whole breastfeeding thing down but so far so good.
-She's a good sleeper. The first couple of days ALL she did was sleep. Typical of newborns, I know. She was just so so sleepy, it was a rare experience to see her awake. But now she's starting to be more alert and stay awake for longer periods of time which is fun. But it makes it really nice at night when she will go for stretches of 4-5 hours without waking. Very much appreciated.

-She loves snuggling. She loves being bundled up in blankets and being cozy and being held. Which is nice since she has barely been put down ever since she was born thanks to all of our family and friends that are always holding her. So spoiled already. I love that she is a snuggler though and I hope she stays that way always.

-She loves having her hands up by her face! She was always like this in the ultrasounds and it's the same now. She always has her hands up there and when she is truly comfortable and completely asleep she has both arms raised above her head.

-She likes her swing and will nap there but she also likes her bassinet and crib. She also doesn't mind her carseat...she'll sleep most anywhere.

-She is liking bath time more and more. Paul is really good at giving her baths. She loves being underneath and water, we usually just hold her under the faucet right now. She loves just being held under there, she gets so happy. Probably because it reminds her of the swimming pool she had in my stomach.

here's a link to my facebook album with more pics from her birth and first days.


  1. All of these pictures are just soooo sweet! She really is such a beautiful baby and you look great too! You are truly glowing and look so happy! what a fun time! xoxo

  2. She is adorable! I'm so glad you are doing well. Motherhood is truly an amazing life changing experience! Enjoy! :)
