Caitlin's first big sporting event! Definitely got some judgment while there about bringing a one month old to a football game, but wen the Taylors offered us tickets to sit with them in the "good seats" (thank you Nan & Jeff for letting us use them!) we just couldn't pass it up! And Caitlin did great! She slept through the whole first half (even in the hot hot sun) and then woke up during half time but went back to sleep for a little bit. We ended up leaving around the beginning of the 4th quarter (probably the earliest I've ever left a football game) but hey.. she made it through almost the whole game, and that's more than i can say for some adult fans. Then again, when BYU is playing like they did, I guess I can't really blame them.
Ah, what a doll Caitlin is in her Cougarwear!