Paul and I have a "bucket list" so to speak of things we want to do before we are done with our Provo college experience. One item was floating the Provo Canyon River. Which we checked off our list on Saturday! It was SO fun! We started all the way at the top and floated the 5 miles down through the river. Some areas had some waves and more of a current than others but one thing was constant the whole time: the water was freezing! After awhile though your bum sticking out of the tube just goes numb and it's a little more enjoyable. When I first stepped into the water in my shorts, tank top and swimsuit I really wasn't sure if I would make it in the cold. We did learn some lessons: I am a "spastic tuber" according to Paul (not smooth at all like him), paddling the wrong direction will indeed take you in the wrong direction, and wear water shoes! After a few falls/almost drownings for both of us, some broken tree branches, a lost tank top (mine), and lost-and-refound flip flops we successfully floated and actually had a great time doing it.

ok first of all hi, and second ew la la haha. I wish you guys were coming to the BYU football game we were all suppose to go to. It would have been so fun to see you this weekend!!