-the biggest thing to happen this past month and in my life currently is: Nolan is potty trained!! What a joy to only have one in diapers again. Nolan was interested in the potty before Christmas but I didn't know if it would stick so I didn't push it. After he had gone both #1 and #2 in the potty multiple times I decided I better commit. He started asking to go on the toilet even when he was wearing his diaper so i gave him lots of chances to do so and I told him if he kept his diaper dry for a whole day then he could wear big boy undies. the next day he woke up and wanted the undies! So we tried it. At first the undies only lasted about half a day and then he would wet through and we'd go back to diapers but eventually he was able to wear them longer. It took about a week total. The hardest part for him was recognizing when it was coming. If I could stop him and make him take regular potty breaks there were no accidents. He since has had a few accidents when we are in new places (i've learned to keep a spare change of pants and undies in my bag) but otherwise he's great! Still getting used to helping a boy and the occasional messes and mis-aims that come with that but I am so proud of Nolan. He basically just decided that's what he was going to do and figured out how to do it!
-Jan 2-3: Paul and I got a getaway to the Stein Lodge in Park City as part of a work retreat. We got to ski all day then have a nice dinner and then stay the night and do some shopping the next day. It was a blast. It was my first time up skiing for the season and I tried some new skis and LOVED them! I felt great and I always have such a great time skiing with Paul. The retreat was for all of his senior directors and they are such a great group. Paul is luck to have such a great team to work with and actually enjoy the people around him!

-Jan 7th: went to the Dino museum with Chelsea and Zoey. My kids were running around like they owned the place but luckily they slowed down a little once Zozo got there because then Nolan had to hold her hand everywhere they went. Nolan loves Zoey.
-Jan 8th: I love it when regular days can be really fun, when you start out with no plan and then things go well. I love having my kids at these ages because we aren't tied to a strict schedule and we have the freedom to do whatever we want with our day (before naptime.. that's kind of a must). So on this day we went to xtend barre where I got there on time with all three kids in tow and they all did well in the child care while I got to work out. Major win for mom. Then I got myself a delicious fresh squeezed juice from Mend and took it to the Provo Rec Center where the kids played in the gigantic indoor play place, Maverick napped, and I sipped my juice and watched the kids play. It was a win/win for everyone.

-Jan 9th: we had a fun night blowing as a family with Packs and Meads.

-Jan 10: We took Caitlin and Nolan to go skiing with papa. This was Caitlin's first time for the season and Nolan's first time ever (besides when he came in the backpack). They did great! We kept things fun and short and just did a few runs, went to the bunny hill and then back to the car. It probably took more time to get everyone packed and loaded and equipment rented than we were actually there but the important thing was that the kids had a great time and want to go back. Skiing with a little one between your legs is definitely a workout! Squats the whole way down.

-Jan 24: Christine celebrated her birthday (on the 22nd) and on the 25th we had a fun date night to dinner and a movie.
-Jan 28: Paul and I got to go to the Jazz vs. Clippers game with the Deelstras. It was a lot of fun, we sat on the 4th row right behind the team and it's always so alarming to be so close to such huge people! Unfortunately the Jazz lost, because I was there, because they always lose when I'm there. But it was a fun game, and a close one.
-whole 30: Paul and I did the whole 30 eating program this month. It was the longest I've ever gone without sugar, soda, and grains/most carbs along with a few other things and I was very proud of myself. I had good results and came away actually really liking the diet. I will maintain a lot of things but I'm ready to reintroduce cheese and a few sweets!
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