-At the beginning of the month we got to have Jeff, Melissa, Madison and Emily come visit as well as Lorraine. It was so much fun playing with the cousins and spending time with Grandma. They were also here for Nolan's birthday. Caitlin is obsessed with Madison and the two of them were often in their own little happy world of princesses and best friends.
-Paul had to have surgery on June 6th (yes, Nolan's birthday... note to self let's not schedule surgery on one of our kids' birthdays again) Paul gets fatty cysts all over his body. There is no reason for them they just develop under the skin and form large bumps. They are not harmful at all but jut bothersome so he decided to have them removed. The doctor found and removed 22 cysts! Mostly on the upper half of his body, especially through his stomach and back. He was put all the way under and had the procedure. If there is any side effect or extreme to a medicine, Paul will get it. We both thought this would be a minor thing but going into it and afterward we realized it was not so minor. He felt afterwards like he had been stabbed 22 times. No we know he will never enter a knife fight! Luckily Paul has his amazing willpower and recovered fairly quickly, although he is left with a lot of scars.
-The kids did a gymnastics class at the American Fork Rec Center this month. It was once a week and I did the mommy and me class with Nolan while Caitlin did the 3-5 year old class. We also did it with Cason and Corinne! It was a fun experience although Caitlin likes dance better and Nolan is very wild. Our teacher took pity on me being to pregnant and trying to chase Nolan around and lift him onto things. He did like it but didn't like being told what to do. He was good and rolling forwards and backwards and also very strong... the bars were probably his favorite. He was also pretty good at walking on the beam and would often tell me he didn't want my help (on the beam and everything else). Caitlin was very good at listening and following instructions but a little more hesitant to try things. She also had a few different teachers and i think that bothered her... she likes to bond. So after the month was over we decided not to return. I told Nolan's teacher we probably wouldn't be back next month and she said "Oh that's good, you need a break!" haha!
-We had ward Girls Camp for a few days and I got lucky by playing the pregnancy card so I just popped in and out. Unfortunately the first day was super rainy all day. When I came up in the late afternoon people were soaked and sick of the rain and then during dinner it started snowing! It was pretty crazy. We ended up having a sleepover in another leader's basement that night. Luckily the next days were nice and no rain so we were able to have a successful camp overall. The girls in our ward are really such good girls with kind spirits and i could not be more grateful to have such a wondering group of leaders to serve with. They are definitely my best friends in the ward and we have such a good time together!!
-Caitlin and I went on a mommy daughter date with Bella and Tiffany Bills to see the "Cinderella" musical at the Scera outdoor theater. It was the Rogers and Hammerstein version so it took her awhile to grasp the different songs and slightly different telling of the story. And the fact that Cinderella had red hair. But otherwise it was a delightful night! Caitlin LOVES having special dates with her mom or her dad.
-Paul attended the Forever Young Gold tournament in Heber and then that night they rented out the Park City Mountain resort for families to come join. We had dinner and the Alpine slide, Alpine coaster and other kiddie rides as many times as we wanted. The kids (and the adults) LOVED it! We had so much fun.
-We did a weekend in Moab over June 20th and had a blast. Our kids were seriously made for Moab and we all enjoyed the warm weather, sunshine, outdoor adventures, and time together. We went with Hansens and met Jake and Amy Gregory there. We drove several trails, ate out, went swimming, got sno cones, and made shirts at the T-shirt shop.
The RZR did great and was such a smooth ride (the only way I would even consider going being so pregnant!) I even got out of my comfort zone and drove on Hell's revenge a little, which I think was one of Paul's proudest moments of me ever. The boys took a night ride and tipped it over! Luckily the damage was only cosmetic and the problem was quickly found and fixed. The Gregorys rolled their RZR and that was quite the experience as well. So there were definitely some more adventurous moments but luckily everyone came away safe and happy. The kids could not have enjoyed it more... strapped in their car seats and "driving crazy"... love my fearless littles!
-My parents and grandparents came up for the last week of the month for a visit culminating in my Grandma's 80th birthday celebration. We enjoyed having them stay with us and getting the extra time with great Grandma and Grandpa! We had Grandma's party at a park with dinner, home made ice cream, birthday cake and Grandma told about her life and others shared memories about her. All of her siblings were there and whoever could come out of their families so it was like a mini family reunion. It was great! I love my Grandma and the tenacious, intelligent, kind, and generous woman that she is.

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