Monday during the day I took Caitlin to take some pictures by these big wood carved pumpkins that are off the side of the road in an old truck bed. I don't know why they are there but i always drive past and so i thought this would be a perfect opportunity to go explore. Unfortunately i was a little more excited about it than Caitlin was but i still got some cute pictures:

That night we took Caitlin trick or treating for her first time and it was adorable. She was the cutest little pumpkin... padded tummy and all. She loved being outside and seeing all the other kids. She would walk up to the door with us, holding her little bag, and we would get a piece of candy and give it to her then we would say "put it in your bag" and she would open up her bag and drop it in. It was so cute i wish we had it on camera. I as shocked she was so obedient. I think it's because she was holding her own bag so she knew it was hers. Every time she would get a new piece and open her bag she would see there was already candy in there and get so excited then have to decide if she wanted to pull our her candy or put another one in. When we got home I dumped out all her candy around her and she had playing playing with/destroying her loot.

We had friends come over for chili and cornbread and other snacks and foods and had a good time mingling and eating and having all the kids play together. We also had fun passing out candy to the kids that came to our house.. we had a lot of trick or treaters! We were completely out of candy by the end of the night. I was fun to see everyone's costumes and all our little neighbor friends. Caitlin loved running to the door each time the doorbell rang and staring at the kids.

Caitlin went to bad late that night and was totally in a sugar coma.. she slept in til 10:15 the next morning! That's a party girl! Happy Halloween!
(P.S. just as i was adding my pictures i realized that i am truly a mom because i had such a fun Halloween night but all i have to show for it it pictures of my child and one of her and our friend's child. None of me, or paul, or our friends, or the food.... oh well. I still blame it on the not dressing up.)
ha ha! she's so cute!