Eats: He definitely went through a little growth spurt this month. He now eats 6 ounces every 4 hours and sometimes wants it even sooner... Such a piggy. If he is super tired sometimes he will not finish his bottle but that is rare. He is a good eater, he chugs down his bottle in record time. We make him stop in the middle to burp him and he does not like that. He is still bad at burping: he puts up such a fuss when being burped. And he will still only burp once or twice. He spits up some, more depending on which brand of formula we are using. I blame it on his lack of burps but it doesn't seem to bother him.
Sleeps: He is a great sleeper! He basically sleeps through the night: from about 9:30 PM to 6-6:30 AM and then, because I'm not a morning person, we both usually go back to sleep until about 9:30 AM. (I know I'm so spoiled). During the day he will doze between 12-2, napping for about an hour and a half or somewhere in there and then takes a long nap in the afternoon (for like 3 hours). Sometimes he squeezes in a cat nap before he gets his bottle and goes to bed around 9-9:30. He is really good at falling asleep on him own. Whenever he get tired I snuggle him a little bit then lay him in his crib and he will fall asleep.
Plays: This month he started batting at his toys on the play mat gym and playing with them more. He rolled over for the first time on August 29th but hasn't done it since. He rolled from his stomach to back. He is a very vocal baby: he coos and goos and "talks" quite a bit.
Likes: He really likes to listen to music toys. My grandparents gave him this little doll that sings songs and he likes to look at its face and listen. He also really enjoys his baths. He just hunkers down in his seat and likes the warm water on him. Bathtime is a good way to keep him awake and happy if he ware trying to keep him up before bedtime. He also loves getting his diaper changed. Whenever I'm changing him he grins at me... I feel like it's his way of saying thank you.

Dislikes: He is still not fond of his car seat. He also doesn't really enjoy tummy time.
Also: He met his Great Grandma & Grandpa Goulding this month for the first time. As well as some extended relatives on the Goulding side. He also went to his first baseball game. He is super smiley and he is happy the majority of time. He still has some skin issues on his cheeks that we are working to resolve. He has really big hands-- a lot of people comment on them and they have been big since he was born. In fact right after he was born a couple of the doctors commented on how big they are, so that's how I know they really are big because those doctors see so many babies. His hair is thinning out a little which makes me sad but his eyes are definitely still blue which I love!