
Maverick: 9 months old

He's now been out as long as he was in! He's a mamas boy. Not to the point that I can't leave him but to the point that he is my special one. Whenever I catch his eye across the room he has a smile for me. His wife mouthed closed smiles I love. I If he's sad he wants me. If I'm around he prefers me. I love it. Caitlin is such a daddy's girl, Nolan is independent and can take it or leave it, but I feel like with maverick I have my tiny boyfriend and he's all mine.

Eats: He still does a bottle with rice cereal in his crib for breakfast, then a snack bottle about 4 hours later then eats lunch and dinner, then another bottle to go to bed. He is still hard to feed sometimes (i.e. we have to force feed and squeeze his cheeks so he will open his mouth) He never spits things out and he is usually not sad about it, he is just distracted and not super cooperative.He went through a bit of a growth spurt, also probably due to the extra energy he uses being mobile. He still has 4 teeth but I think more may be coming soon.

Sleeps: In direct comparison, he's probably the worst sleeper of all my kids. He's an early riser, but will drink a bottle and stay in his crib for awhile. He only naps if he is put to sleep, he doesn't fall asleep on the go. He likes to be part of everything and if he can see that he will be missing out on stuff there's no chance he's falling asleep! Luckily he is still pleasant even when he is super tired. He doesn't often hit that wall of being too tired, but of course he does get fussy sometimes. So in this way it makes him teh perfect kind of sleeper for being a third child. He really still needs a short nap in the morning (like 30 minutes) and then a longer nap in the afternoon (2+ hours) At night he usually sleeps about 11 hours.

Plays: He still likes to be held a lot and doesn't like to be on his own. Now that he can crawl he finds the action. He likes Nolan's cars and of course any little tiny thing he can find to try to put in his mouth. He doesn't have a favorite toy at this point, he just moves from thing to thing. His favorite thing to play with would probably be his siblings!

Also: He is pretty much over his binkies. He prefers a bottle or nothing and if you try to put a binky in his mouth he just spits it out. He is learning to wave but not consistently, and he babbles some and mostly says "ba ba ba" He is definitely my fairest child yet and is holding on to his blonde hair and blue eyes! He also has fair skin that I am not as used to and he will literally get sunburned after 5 minutes outside.

Firsts: Mav's Mother's Day gift to me was crawling! He started full-out crawling and he can now get anywhere he wants. He's also started pulling himself up on things. I found him standing in his crib and since then he has been standing up against basically anything else. Even flat-surface walls.

Doctor stats at 9 month check up:
length: 28" 37%
weight: 18.5 31%
head circumference: 18.75" 86% (I don't know why they even measure the heads but I think its funny to put in there because my kids always have huge heads)

May 5-June 5

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