
joys of motherhood: april

Just a few for this month, about Miss Caitlin:
-Caitlin loves to dress herself. Whenever I give her permission to "wear whatever she wants" she gets so excited and you never know what she will come back wearing. Usually a mixture of real clothes and dress up clothes. She asks for bright red lipstick every. single. day. She loves watching me do my makeup and always wants to wear as much as I will let her. 
-Caitlin is constantly making drawings for everyone. She is a very good artist and she will make drawings for anyone and everyone. Many days during her "quiet time" she will come down about every 10 minutes with a new drawing or craft for me. 
-Had this convo with Caitlin:
C: our baby's name is maverick but sometimes we call him Mav
Me: yup that's right
C: why do we do that?
Me: it's just a shorter way of saying his name, like your friend at preschool is Samantha but you call her Sam
C: yah it's her nickname!
Me: yah exactly! (Me totally thinking she has the concept)
C: it's like nick! He has a nick name! Cuz his names NICK!
Haha! I was like I'm not even gonna go there that yes Nick is a name and a Nick name and that's not what a Nick name involves
-When we were in Mexico she kept calling the hammock a "panic"
-She calls Nolan "Nol" all the time. 

-Nolan Man got a haircut! Finally convinced dad to let us cut his shag and he looks so handsome. His long hair just gets too hot for the summer!

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