
joys of motherhood: july

Some days I look at my kids and I whelm with pride and think how did I get so lucky to have such beautiful, intelligent, amazing, perfect little children. And I pat myself on the back for being a good mom. Other days I want to hide in a closet (or at least get 2 seconds alone in the bathroom!) and I get nervous to have another baby (WAY too late I know) and honestly sit in bewilderment at the things that they do... not in the good way. I guess that's why we take it one day at a time... usually the scores even up in the end.
Nolan is deep in the grips of the terrible twos. It's real, and it's happening at our house, on the daily. At least that's what I'm choosing to blame it on because I refuse to believe that my adorable gentle sweet little boy has suddenly turned into a devil child. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I hate disciplining and being the bad guy. And I especially hate it when you just can't find anything that works and induces a reaction and gets through to them. Effective discipline for a two year old is seriously one of the big mysteries of life.
Caitlin's finest moment this month was probably when we were at the Gap outlet standing in line to pay and there was an employee next to us, bending down putting some things away on the shelf. She was a young girl but was very overweight. They called her up to help with the registers and she stood up in front of us and walked over. As she was walking Caitlin says, "Woah! Mom, why is her bum so big?!".. literally one of my worst nightmares. I have no doubt the girl heard. I totally froze on how to handle this. I tried to play it off and I said, "oh what? why is her GUN so big?" (WHAT?! Like gun is a more appropriate thing to comment on?! I mean such a fail) This made it even worse because then Caitlin said, "No mom! Why is her BUM so big?!" If you know Caitlin you know that she does not have a quiet voice either. I finally snapped out of it and bent down and said "Caitlin. everybody is different sizes and that's how she is. We will talk about it when we are done at this store, DO NOT say anything else." Then it became our turn in line and the two cashiers looked like they would finish at about the same time. Turns out this particular girl was done just a few moments sooner but she wouldn't make eye contact or invite me to come up! So awkward! I finally had to just step forward and say "should I come here?" She checked us out with the most minimal conversation possible and we left the store. I was so mortified. Caitlin and I had a long talk about how everyone is different and that's what made them special and we don't need to talk about people and point things out and if she sees someone and has a question she can ask me quietly. I felt like I should have earned a badge that day, like a "yah my kids done that" badge that all mothers get eventually. 
Other funny moments:
-Nolan started shaking his side to side really fast and said "Hey look guys! I'm spinning!"
-My kids think busy = dizzy. They'll say "Let's get busy!!" and start spinning around. I only correct them sometimes because I think it's funny. 
-Caitlin always wants to play house and she's always the mom and I'm the big sister and Nolan is the dad. And she will only call me Cortney while we are playing.
-The other day i was doing Caitlin's hair and she asked me, "Mom, What does Jesus like to eat for breakfast?"
-Nolan is OBSESSED with Lightning McQueen and Mater. He has little ones, big ones, and wants to wear his Lighting shirts everyday (he now has 3 because of that).
-Caitlin is always setting up for parties. Whether that means getting out plates and cups or organizing things in her room.. she always has a party to get ready for and host. 
-The other day we were at the mall and of course had to go into the Disney store. One of the employees started talking to Caitlin and asking what her and Nolan liked. She responded and then said, "Yah... my Mom likes to come in here." What?! Yes it was me that dragged them in.
-Sometimes I feel like I'm training to be a UFC fighter - in the course of an innocent 2 minute snuggle I got elbowed in the baby belly and knocked in the lip with the back of a head. Then 5 minutes later I pulled a thrashing 2 year old body from the computer.
-Thank you to the guy at Costco that gave me our smoothie even though I was 0.30 cents short. He could tell it was a matter of life and death, or at least getting through Costco with good feelings. Which sometimes feels equal.
Cassie and I took Nolan to the park to play one day while Caitlin was at a birthday party. We had gotten some lunch and I had a big soda. I don't like to let my kids have soda and for Caitlin she doesn't care, she says its "too spicy" but Nolan LOVES soda! Whenever he gets a little sip he won't let go (he takes after me). So he climbed up to the picnic table and got a hold of my drink and I took it back and said, "No, this is mommy's drink! It's too spicy for you, you can't have any!" He had a really seriously face and put his little hand on my shoulder and said "But... I like it." Made me laugh so hard. 

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