
Cortney: 9 months

I'm 36 weeks, just about full term! I'd like to be all cliche and say "any day now" but realistically I know that based on my past pregnancies and this amazingly stubborn body that I have, it'll still be 4 weeks. Which actually I'm fine with because I still have lots of to-dos before this baby gets here. ((Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself.. i'll take my chances))

Symptoms: Feeling stinky and sweaty. Gross I know, but thats what I get for having a summer pregnancy! Oh and remember that one time our AC went out and wasn't fixed for 3 days during 90*+ weather? Ya.. I do.
Sleep is a struggle... I've often thought this was the most unfair thing about pregnancy. Can't get a good nights' sleep while pregnant and there's no way you'll get one once the baby is out. So my good sleep is widdling down.
This baby gets hiccups a lot more than I remember either of my other ones getting them. It moves around a LOT.
I've gotten some contractions but no real "labor" contractions. Mostly at the top of my stomach, but vey tight and uncomfortable. I also got some small ones while I was walking around the mall the other day.

Cravings: Still eating my Life Cinnamon Cereal for breakfast every morning, but otherwise I'm not able to eat as much in general. Just don't have the room.

Fitness: I call this baby my cliffhanger baby because it sits completely in my baby bump, over the ledge of the rest of my body. No ribs or back at all... which I know can be painful but this way it feels like the absolute heaviest baby I have ever carried. I need one of those support bands. The baby is feeling big too and likes to stretch out and poke all around. I'm constantly pushing back in elbows, legs, heels, whatever nub is currently sticking out of my belly.
I've been able to get a few prenatal massages and they are AMAZING. I love it in my lower back and feet especially. Also in my shoulders and neck which are sore from hauling around my other two. After one massage when I was about 28 along the girl told me "If you could just get one massage a week until you deliver I think it would really help" I honestly thought she was joking! I'm sure it would! I wish I could get one a week, that would be amazing!
I've gotten back into working out! I went at 34 weeks and have been going twice a week since then. Surprisingly, it feels amazing! I thought I would hate it but I love it and it makes me feel strong and healthy and my pregnant body surprises me by what it can still do. I'm sad I haven't been going more regularly over the summer. Weight gain has been pretty good... I've gained about 29 pounds thus far.

News: Got another ultrasound at my 32 week appointment to check fluid in the brain: happy to report it is at a normal level now! No more worries and no more ultrasounds. The US tech showed me a few shots in 4D and it was my first time to see any of my babies like that! It brought a little tear to my eye, it just looked so real and perfect and made me so excited. Baby is still measuring about a week bigger.
At my appointment after talking with the doctor about his schedule and based on my due date we decided to pencil in an induction on September 5th (day after my due date). He will not be on call the next week and I want him to be the one to deliver me. I really want to go into labor on my own, but not as much as I DON'T want to go super overdue so I feel good about this plan and I'm positive I will be ready by then to have our baby. September 5th or bust!
We have pretty much decided on names but we are keeping them to ourselves. I don't want people's opinions or input and it also makes me sad that I wont get to use one for sure so i'll want to keep it for the next round possibly. I still feel like they could change again but for now it feels good to check that off the list!
The baby's room is coming along! It's been really fun, but definitely a challenge to keep things gender neutral. It's the most simple room I've done but a actually really love it. It will need to evolve a little after the baby but it's been really fun to work on and at least have a good portion ready for when the baby comes. I knew that with not finding out I would just have to do something that worked for either opposed to waiting until after because I am too much of a planner!
At my 36 week appointment the doctor checked me and I had dilated to 1.5 cm. Not getting my hopes up about this because I always dilate early but it's fun to see progress and know the ball is rolling!

This is probably my most asked question, after telling people that we aren't finding out. Having a surprise baby is really a funny thing. It's very polarizing... people are either all for it and excited or they are mad and super opposed. Then they ask what I think it is. At this point I still have no idea. There are a lot of signs pointing to either one. I still am leaning more towards it being a girl though, but I don't want to be to positive about it and have my "mother's intuition" be wrong!
I should also note that Caitlin has said she thinks and wants it to be a girl this entire pregnancy. She wants a sister (because she "just already has a brother"). Nolan is very away of the baby in my tummy and will come give the baby loves and snuggles and is very sweet but doesn't say much about gender.
30 week comparison picture:
Even though I'm SO sick of all my maternity clothes, I think I'll have to always keep this shirt so I can take this picture because it's fun to see the comparison. Funny to note that the dates are almost the same with the first picture and my latest-- I was reminded that Caitlin was actually due September 3rd! Only a day before this one, although she was eventually born a week early.

1 comment:

  1. I love the three pictures of you at 30 weeks with all your kids!! So cute that you are wearing the same shirt. I want to see pics of the nursery!
