
maverick: 4 months old

Can't believe this little love is 4 months old. Three months was a turning point for getting out of the colic and crying and it's only gotten better from there. He's been great this month and we are all so enjoying him. He is happy and social and he's been such a good sport doing all of our busy holiday things.

Eats: moved up to 6 ounces, still drinks the "Enfamil gentlease" formula.  It's one of the most expensive ones, but he does really well with it and doesn't get tummy aches so I don't want to mess with a god thing! Usually eats every 4 hours.

Sleeps: He naps some in the morning depending on what we are doing, usually does a good nap in the afternoon. Sometimes, but rarely, a short snooze in the evening. He goes down for the night between 8-9 and sleep til 4-5. He has slept trough the night (til 6 and 7) twice. He still sleeps in his cradle and sleeps much better when he's at home. I swaddle him and rock him to sleep for his nap and bedtime. He likes to be swaddled and has to have his binky to fall asleep.

Plays: He likes to sit up and look around. When he is in the baby carrier he likes to face out. Hates tummy time. Loves having people around and talking to him. He also likes having his head rubbed and having his diaper changed.

Dislikes: I wont say what he dislikes, but I will say: he's a mama's boy. He seems to prefer women in general but especially me. I love this most of the time because it makes me feel so loved and special and I know it's only a matter of time til he figures out Dad is the fun one. This only gets hard when I am busy doing something or in the middle of the night when someone else is trying to help him and he's not having it. He hasn't discovered strangers yet though and seems to do well with babysitters (we usually always just use the same one or two people).  

Also: His hair is still super fluffy and is getting longer but staying light. Still looks like he has no eyebrows but he has dark eyelashes. I get the most comments on his round face and his fluffy hair. 

Firsts: Christmas season, first time being sick. He caught the croup that was going around and Nolan had. Such a sad little cough and runny nose. This time of year is hard!
(Dec 4-Jan 4)

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