
maverick: 2 months old

Maverick is a feisty baby. It's one of the first things the nurses said about when when he was born and it's been said many a time since, both by people who know him and by total strangers. He seems to be somewhat temperamental, and vocal... making him my hardest newborn to date. But everyday we get to know each other more and Maverick is learning that we are all trying the best we can.... And it's a good thing he is so darn cute! He has sparkly blue eyes and the softest fuzziest hair that reminds me of a baby chick. He can be so sweet and wants to be good we just need to find our rhythm and make him more comfortable.

His baby acne was horrible and was in combination with cradle cap. It was crusting over his whole forehead, ears and eyebrows and just looked painful. We tried leaving it alone for a few days to let his natural oils take care of it but when that didn't seem to be working we started washing his face with Aveno baby wash and a washcloth everyday and then using Aveno lotion throughout the day and a thick coat of Noodle & Boo ointment in the morning and at night. Eventually that combination cleared things up!

Eats: He went through a few growth spurts this month which led to irregular eating and snacking and was a little hard to keep up with him. I started pumping almost exclusively to try to keep track of how much he was getting and wanting. I had to supplement a lot with formula and also started experimenting with different formulas to find one that will be easier on his stomach. He is still having tummy troubles quiet often. However, the best thing about his eating is that he will drink a cold bottle. Both of my other kids were so picky of their bottles being warmed so Mav definitely gets points for not caring about that!

Sleeps: occasionally. He sleeps well when he doesn't have a tummy ache. He will sleep in smaller chunks through the morning and then I can usually get him to take a good nap in the afternoon. At night he will do a long stretch followed by a shorter stretch. I got a baby swing from Chelsea and it has been wonderful! He sleeps in that quite a bit while he is being swung. He loves it.

Plays: Continues to surprise me buy his head/neck/shoulder strength! He also is starting to smile more often and even make some noises. He will follow things with his eyes although not super intensely.

Likes: having his head rubbed and having blankies by his face. He also really likes music and often when he is crying in the car I'll turn the music on really loud and he goes right to sleep.

Dislikes: still messy diapers and also being alone.

Also: I started taking him to a chiropractor who specializes in babies and children. Dr. Bill has helped us a lot. He said that Maverick's muscle tone is very tight for a baby and he is working on relaxing it in general and keeping everything aligned so he can be more mellow. It's really helping and I've seen improvement.
Stats from his 2 month check-up: weight: 11.16 lbs (29%) length: 23" (56%) He is fitting into size 0-3 month clothes perfectly and seems to be getting a lot longer.

Firsts this month: moved into his room to sleep (although he still sleeps in his little cradle), first time to go to church, first Halloween.

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